The CG DevX could not be possible without open source. We use some of the most popular open source projects in the world. This page is dedicated to giving those projects credit for their incredible offerings.
- Actions Runner Controller (Apache 2.0)
- Argo CD (Apache 2.0)
- Argo Workflows (Apache 2.0)
- Atlantis (Apache 2.0)
- Aqua Security Trivy (Apache 2.0)
- Aqua Security Tracee (Apache 2.0)
- Backstage (Apache 2.0)
- cert-manager (Apache 2.0)
- External Secrets Operator (Apache 2.0)
- Grafana (AGPL 3.0)
- Harbor (Apache 2.0)
- HashiCorp Terraform (MPL 2.0)
- HashiCorp Vault (MPL 2.0)
- Ingress NGINX Controller (Apache 2.0)
- Kubernetes (Apache 2.0)
- Kubernetes ExternalDNS (Apache 2.0)
- Kyverno (Apache 2.0)
- Loki (AGPL 3.0)
- Prometheus (Apache 2.0)
- Reloader (Apache 2.0)
- SonarQube (GNU 3.0)